Romania Follow Up

Romania Follows Up

The Scout Society did two key dissemination activities as part of the "Inclusion of Disabled People through Basketball" Erasmus+ sport project. These activities aimed to spread awareness about the project's goals, outcomes, and impact.

The first dissemination activity involved an online presentation. We did an online meeting with our volunteers and teachers on Zoom, where we showcased the project's objectives and shared photos from the training course in Greece. During the meeting, we had 30 participants from diverse backgrounds who learned about this initiative. Through this dissemination activity, we raised awareness about the importance of inclusion in sport and the potential of adapting sport activities for people in the local community.

The second dissemination activity was a face–to–face meeting with a scout group. For this meeting, we collaborated with a local partner to organise it. The meeting took place in our local community, allowing for a more considerable impact on the project.

During the meeting, Scout Society presented an overview of the project's objectives, activities, and expected results. We showcased the impact of the project through examples done during the training course in Greece. Furthermore, after the presentation, we had open discussions among participants, during which they had the opportunity to ask questions, share their perspectives, and provide valuable feedback on the project. We also discussed about inclusion in sport and if they had direct experience in similar activities.

Inclusion of disabled people through basketball
Erasmus+ Sports KA210
Project number: 101089467
- Social inclusion in and through sport (i.a. of disabled people, migrants, vulnerable groups)
- Inclusion in sports of disabled people, Basketball for disabled, Inclusion in Sports through basketball 
 Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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