Final Conference Serbia

Final Conference Serbia

The final Conference and the activity was done in June 2023 in Rural youth community center (Municipality Crveni Krst). We had in the conference 26 novices in working with people with disabilities (representatives of the sport clubs and associations, healthcare and rehabilitation professionals, members of CSOs working on disability rights, social inclusion, and community engagement)

The final conference of the "Inclusion of Disabled People Through Basketball" (IncDisBas) project serves as a culminating event to showcase the achievements, findings, and future recommendations derived from the project. It has several important aspects:Presenting the project's successful initiatives, including training courses, community events, and awareness campaigns that promoted wheelchair basketball.

  • Discussing the research conducted on the participation levels of disabled individuals in sports, the barriers they face, and the impact of wheelchair basketball on their lives.

  • Exchanging good practices among project partners and stakeholders to ensure the sustainability and scalability of the initiatives.

  • Strengthening the network of organizations and individuals committed to disability sports, promoting international cooperation, and fostering a positive EU identity through sports.

Presentation of the conference can be found in the outputs links: 

Activity Inclusive Basketball


This workshop aims to promote understanding and empathy among young people (15+ years) regarding the experiences of individuals with disabilities. It uses the dynamic and collaborative nature of basketball to explore the concept of inclusion. The workshop will foster teamwork, communication, and inclusive attitudes through engaging, game-based activity. Through a short, adapted basketball game, participants will step in the shoes of different disabilities, gaining a deep understanding of the diverse challenges faced by individuals with disabilities.


  • Increase awareness and empathy towards individuals with disabilities.
  • Encourage inclusive attitudes and behaviors.
  • Enhance teamwork and communication skills.
  • Provide a fun and engaging learning experience.

Target group

  • Young people aged 15+


  • 30 minutes - 1.5 hours

Number of participants

  • up to 30 (teams should count equal numbers of players)

Materials needed

  • basketball court
  • basketballs
  • blindfolds (put them over one eye only)
  • vision-impairing goggles (constructed of two plastic cups connected with thin rope, and with drilled holes at the bottom of cups)
  • movement restriction items (straps or slings)

Workshop structure


  • Brief introduction to the purpose of the workshop and what are you going to do.
  • Start with an enthusiastic and inclusive icebreaker to set the tone or use simple basketball drills to get participants moving and comfortable with the ball.
  • Divide participants into teams. Teams should have equal number of players. For the most feasible implementation, it is beneficial if each team count 10-12 players.

Rules explanation

  • Each game will last 15-30 minutes and be played on a regular basketball court.
  • Teams must maintain 8 players on the court at all times, with players adhering to their assigned roles and obstacles.
  • The objective is to play the game while overcoming the challenges posed by the special obstacles, promoting teamwork and inclusive attitudes.

Roles - special obstacles

Each team must have 8 players on the court i n every moment. Teams can further have as many substitutions as you have participants.

Players will have the following roles on the court:

  • 2 players blindfolded over one eye - they can't move with the ball;
  • 1 player with tied shoelaces - it can't enter the 3-points area;
  • 2 players laced with shoelaces one to another - they are forbidden to communicate with eachother and other players;
  • 2 players with vision-impairing goggles - they are the only ones without additional obstacles;
  • 1 one-handed player - plays with one arm tied to their body, and can make only two consecutive dribbles.


  • Play short, timed games with the adapted rules.
  • Encourage players to exchange and enable everyone from their team to play.
  • Rotate the disabilities among participants to ensure all players experience different challenges.
  • Introduce more than 8 players on the court if the game is too demanding for the participants.
  • Monitor the games closely to ensure safety and adherence to the rules.


  • Gather participants to share their experiences and feelings during the games. (Use guided questions to facilitate the reflection and discussion session.)
  • Facilitate a discussion on the importance of inclusion and how the activities relate to real-life experiences of individuals with disabilities.
  • Summarize key takeaways from the workshop.

Inclusion of disabled people through basketball
Erasmus+ Sports KA210
Project number: 101089467
- Social inclusion in and through sport (i.a. of disabled people, migrants, vulnerable groups)
- Inclusion in sports of disabled people, Basketball for disabled, Inclusion in Sports through basketball 
 Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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