Final Conference

Final Conference in Cyprus

On the afternoon of Sunday, the 16th of June, ACPELIA hosted a multiplication event and final conference, detailing the results of the 2 year Erasmus Sports project. This event took place at Pissouri Municipality Stadium and attended by more than 500 people. In the event that was done with cooperation with Pissouri Municiplity Council, the NGO SKE Pissouriou and other NGO from local area. 

Present at the event were also Christakis Ioannou and Bobbie, who are part of the Apollon Wheelchair Basketball Team. ACPELIA also had its own booth, showcasing the booklet of IncDisBas, which was also a large part of the project's output.

The people present at the event not only learned about all the details of the project, but just as importantly, had the chance to try Wheelchair Basketball themselves at the basketball field of Pissouri Primary School, thus expanding their understanding of inclusion of people with disabilities in sports, as well as breaking down any misconceptions they may have. People from all age groups were present at the event and speny significant time engaging in the sport themselves.

Inclusion of disabled people through basketball
Erasmus+ Sports KA210
Project number: 101089467
- Social inclusion in and through sport (i.a. of disabled people, migrants, vulnerable groups)
- Inclusion in sports of disabled people, Basketball for disabled, Inclusion in Sports through basketball 
 Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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